The wonderful thing about boxing, is boxing's a wonderful thing!

Transfers, Carving & Stamping

Tips and tricks we've picked up along the way to help us improve our carving and stamping techniques.

How tigs glues stamps to backings:
Gorilla Glue Process

How tigs transfers:
  • Wintergreen oil - available at a health food store in the aromatherapy dept. 
  • A toner copy - i use an old HP color copier (great big thing, model #coming soon). 
  • Spread a thin layer of wintergreen oil on pink stuff the size of your image. Lay the image print size down. The paper should be barely wet. Leave it for a minute, for the ink to "set". Peel up slowly.
  • After transfer, use Stazon "mustard yellow" permanent ink to seal the image to the material. Let the whole thing dry for an hour or so. Carve away!! 

 How Bubs transfers:
  • I use the parchment paper transfer method, using an ink jet printer.  What is quite funny, is that I started using this method with an expensive printer/scanner that gobbled up ink and liked to munch on paper, even on the draft setting.  Being constantly frustrated by this monster, BB3 got me a much cheaper one for Christmas, and I have had much better results with this one.
  • To best explain this method, Rubber Rabbit has an excellent step-by-step guide on how to use this method.  Here's the link:  Transferring Images – Parchment Paper  Thanks RR!!!
  • The only thing I do differently, which takes a little more time, is instead of using the StazOn mustard yellow ink to seal the image at the end, I use an ultra fine and regular tipped Sharpie to trace the lines and fill in the spaces.  This allows me to change something or add to the image, while at the same time sealing the ink jet ink.