The wonderful thing about boxing, is boxing's a wonderful thing!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Catching Up On Boxing Reports, Part 1 Of 3

Before Tigs yells at me again, and to stop my conscience from yelling at me constantly, its high time I report on our boxing experiences since I last wrote, which was at the end of 2011.  Since then, we've been to one event and have hit the trails twice.  So, I'll start with the event, and later post about our boxing bliss on the trails.  Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and your coffee will still be hot by the time I'm done tonight...

We attended O Letterbox Tree down in Bellingham, MA on December 31st.  For us, that's about an hour and a half drive, but we had no trouble along the way, and the trip was made so much more pleasant and the time helped to fly along by the company of gollygee!  Woo hoo!  She met us at our house and rode down with us, so we had a great time chatting all the way down, and she gave us an LTC for the ride!  Double woo hoo!!

Soon as we got to the event, which some would say we arrived late, since two of the three of us are night owls.  Hey, we had plenty of time, and weren't that late!  Gimme a break!  Anyway, soon as we got there, we set out our car box and immediately met up with Squirrel Nutkin, Geetette and La Tigresse!!  Unfortunately they were heading out, but we at least finally got to meet them and introduce ourselves.  (Me and BB3 anyway - gollygee knows everyone.)  We headed over to the event, and immediately got drawn into the gingerbread house table by JESS - stampin right away, which is the way it should be!  And that was a fun idea they had goin on there...

As soon as we finished with all of these stamps, and there were alot, we greeted our hosts, T4 and Choi, and then I realized, oh, that's right!  FelixPezGirl was supposed to be here!  I asked T4 where she was, and she said, "Oh, I think I saw her heading to her car..." and then she drove by.  I missed FPG!!!  For those reading, I've been wanting to meet FPG for a long time now, and she eluded us once again.  So those of you reading, lobby your congress rep and vote yes on the FPG - Bubs exchange.  Thanks for your support!  Fortunately, though, she and EA83 did find our car box, AND she sent us a holiday postcard outta the blue!  See?  We just gotta meet FPG someday soon...

Ok.  Back to OLT.  We moved on to the event stamps, and stamped in alot of those.  We got to meet some new-to-us boxers, like Talespinner, Scarab, OJ drinker and others, as well as catching up with others we'd met before, like Rocklun, Arf, the Wildcats, Talldave and Thimbelinda - I'm sure I'm leaving some names out, and I know there were others there that we saw but didn't catch up with - you know who you are and feel free to speak up and be counted!

We ate some grub, warmed our fingers by one of the firepits, and then moved on to the series boxes, and had alot of fun finding those and stamping in.  We even had some unexpected help, and they were some really great help too!

After we found all the boxes and ate enough grub, we warmed our fingers by the fire again, and then helped to clean up and break things down at the end of the day.  I even was able to help clean out one of those special places...

Just before we left, BB3 and GG got to go inside and meet Mr. Nibbles...

You've gotta understand, that both of them are avid bunny-bun addicts, so this was like a fix for them.  They were both ecstatic after this.  Then we said our good-byes, grabbed a cup of coffee from the Dunks across the street, and hopped in the car to make our way home.  We had a great time, so many thanks J and E for hosting so much fun, and we're looking forward to next year's return to the great Letterbox Tree!

And PS, special thanks to gollygee for the use of her clear pics - the one fuzzy one was mine, but ALL of my pics from OLT were fuzzy, which was really odd for our camera.  Every pic except for the first one I took - not a single clear one after that.  Maybe I shoulda cleaned my nose earlier...


1 comment:

  1. oh good! you're not dead - and people are going to get DOUBLE THE POSTS! DOUBLE THE FUN! today. . .
