It's been a great day here at the tigger bungalow - there's been bacon munching followed by a scavenger hunt for some wonderful new Tsukineko inks from Mr. Umbrella. That Mr. U - he's the creative one! i'm never going to just be handed a present again!. Nope, there are always clues involved - which is frankly giving me ideas. i think i may stop writing my own clues. i think HE may be the one in charge of giving you all fits in the middle of the night. . .
After that there was a little church attendance, followed by some more bacon munching with the mom, and then some Skyping with the daughter from afar. In between, there was me trying to figure out how to get a lock'n lock lid on upside down, but that's a story for another day. (in case you want to know, my l'nl's refuse to play, but 3 Blind Mice got his to slide right on. Show off.)
To all those out in Letterbox Land, i wish you all a great Mother's Day. Including Betty - make sure Bubs is treating you right!! Are you listening, Bubs??? Bubs??? Flowers, Bubs! and new inks. . . and some pink stuff, a new gouge, possibly another trip to VT, some diamond jewelry would be nice. . .
(and yes, the stamps are in the mail ;-)
Tigs......I am glad you had a great Mother's Day- that Mr. U is just an awesome kinda guy - he's a keeper I'd say ------Uhummmmmmm more than we can say for Bubs!!!!! We got our veggie garden in yesterday though -very happy about that! - BB3