This was our (mine and BB3's) first year romping around the Thomas Point Beach campground and the surrounding area, and we had a blast at this big Maine event. We camped on the same campsite as our ol' pal tiggermama, and were also joined by Boujiemama, KatieKitty and Celtic Hound. What, might you ask, happens when tigs and I get together for boxing mayhem? Well, I'll tell you allll about it!
We got there Wednesday, found our site and started setting up. We were soon joined by Celtic Hound, who we found out was to be our next-site neighbor, but since it was hard to tell which site was which, we kinda merged the two sites into one anyway.
Hiya, Celtic Hound!!! |
Then, Tigs came along with her big ol' pop-up camper, lots of clues and inks and stuff, and also Boujiemama and KatieKitty! We all pitched in and got the camper parked, set up, and ready to become home for a few days. However, not knowing my own strength, while cranking up the camper I popped a cable screw right out, which tigs said that Big Daddy was quoted as saying "I'm gonna hunt you down and gut you like a fish!" (Not really, but hopefully he's forgiven me by now...;)
All the way from Florida and right at home! |
We got our sites set up, then I got hauled away by Guzzy, Teeks and The-Boxer-Formerly-Known-As-K8E to work away at some manual labor, setting up The Circus over on their site. The only picture I could get was several days later and far away from the site, due to their strict "No Camera Or Cement Mixer" policy. I hope I don't get Honig603 in trouble for taking this picture, but in defense of the Circus, they did give me a stale circus peanut for the hard work. But just one.
You can see all of the circus tents in the background... |
Ummmm, the rest of the day we....let's see. I got some firewood, we cooked up some grub, we set out our boxes, did a few exchanges. I don't remember what else - must've been the circus peanut... Anyway, we got up the next morning, and it was BOX, BOX, BOX time! And for those that know me, don't choke here, but I was actually out of bed before BB3, and that was after a restless first night. I'm not saying I was AWAKE, but I was out of bed. Here's tigs and Mama Wildcat laughing at me before I've gotten some coffee into the bloodstream:
Stop laughing at me!!! |
After we got some some coffee and headed out for the hunt, we first went here...
And then here...
And here...
And then we went over here and found...
OMG!!! A Wild Tigs!! Look out BB3!!! |
Will BB3 survive?! Does she see the voracious bouncer?! Is the Wild Tigs rabid?! Tune in to our next post to find out what happens next! That's right! Rather than continue the story, I'm gonna drop a classic cliffhanger on you so that you'll just HAVE to come back! Bwah Haaa Ha Haaa Haaaaa!!!
Needless to say, To Be Continued.... ;)
ooo!i LOVES me a grumpy ole picture of YOU first thing in the morning!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWe only had a problem with cement mixers, I was taking pics of lots of people in and out of our site, so it would be rude to tell them they couldn't take pics or us. ;)
ReplyDeleteGuzzelin' Gal
I was going to say that I took pictures at their site. (doesn't mean they were there.) It was nice to finally meet you all.
ReplyDeleteBut Guzzy! You're supposed to play along with the story! I mean, c'mon! I have a reputation of honesty and integrity to uphold! And MC - you shouldn't have said that - the cement mixer people will try to get in touch with you now... (It was great meeting you too - next time we'll have to spend some time chatting! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd dearest tigs - I'm glad my disgruntled morning state brings you pleasure - now stuff a sock in it!!! ;)