This time of year up here in New England, most boxing comes to a stand still. Sure, there are a few "snow-friendly" boxes out there, but most boxes are buried in snow, frozen to the ground, and that's even if you're able to hike out to where they are, or can even find a nearby place to park. Granted, this time of year is a great time for other letterboxing activities, such a carving stamps, making ltc's, poking fun at tiggermama - you know what sort of very important activities I'm talking about - especially that last one. ;)
So, how can one satisfy that "get out and go boxing" urge when things outside look like this?
Well, Mama Mud and Mama Teacup came up with a great solution - boxing both inside and outside of this place - and late at night too! Woo hoo!! Its like they made this event just for me!
They're open 24 hours, all the time! |
Tigs came up here for the event and stayed at our house the night before. Then that Friday evening we headed up early to attend the pre-event dinner gathering at Buck's Naked BBQ in Freeport, ME. We got to eat, chat and make some new friends. Well, except for Mama Marrtian, who prided herself in being anti-social at the restaurant - the noive of some people! Please be sure to berate her for wanting to spend a little quality time with her hubby. ;) Then, when they were ready for us, we headed over to L. L. Bean to get to boxin'!
GMH, Mama Spooky Group, BB3 and some crazy smiler. ;) |
Yound and old, there was a fantastic turnout for this event! |
There were some really cool features here - many had been here before - it was our first time. |
I see some boxers up ahead... |
GMH doing her patented "silly goose coat dance" while tigs once again spaces out. ;) |
There's our hostess, Mama Mud! |
More boxers at event central. |
The Bootmobile! |
Stampin' in at the Bootmobile. |
Hey - haven't we seen this pair of Wak-os somewhere before?! ;) |
I spy the Zoo Crew and the Buxton Boxers... |
Look at what we found at the bust of the founder! |
Well, this bed helped a little in making us feel like we were in the woods. ;) |
Its Teeks!!! |
Oh, that silly, silly Teeker... |
Gathering for the group photo. |
I could only get half the group from up above. |
And here's the group! |
That last picture was borrowed from RIclimber via Facebutt through BB3. All the rest of the pictures I took. And yes, I'm in there - I'm right next to the big white sign upstairs on the left.
It was a great idea for an event and allowed us to do some actual boxing without getting frostbite - and it was cold that night! Plus, you could do a little shopping while there as well. So, a special thanks to our hostesses, to the staff at L. L. Bean for allowing this, and to everyone who came to the event - it was a really great time!!
And now, back to tigs-picking. Especially since she hasn't been in here for so long. Perhaps I need to find out if there is any new news about.......................
the Shoes!!!! ;)
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