The wonderful thing about boxing, is boxing's a wonderful thing!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Few More Updates As Wakeda Approaches

I was at Wakeda today (yesterday for the rest of you daywalkers), and here are a few more things I asked about/learned/have to add & change...

In the rules, it lists "Please do not cut or mar trees or tie things to them."  This does NOT apply to tying up tarps over your site, hanging a clothesline or tying minor things to trees, say, a decorative box for an event.  This refers to heavier and "too many" things that might be most likely hung/tied by more permanent residents that could possibly damage/bend/harm trees in a more long-term basis.  Just don't tie to a tree that is too young and might be injured - that shouldn't be a problem.

Office hours, specifically during our event:

     Friday:      9am - 8pm
     Saturday:  9am - 6pm
     Sunday:    9am - 5pm

If you think you'll arrive after 8pm on Friday, let me know on AQ - I'll have to ask about this today.  If you arrive earlier than the office hours, just go ahead to your site or join us in our section, and check in with the office after they open.

There will be a concession truck - confirmed for a pancake breakfast on Sunday, and possibly for wraps, salads and more at various time during the rest of the event.  The pancake breakfast includes 3 types of pancakes (plain, chocolate chip & blueberry) and pancake fixuns all-u-can-eat $5 for adults, $3 for kids.  Just as an option.

The Trading Post WILL be open during our event, much to my surprise.  Hours are:
     Friday:      5pm - 9pm
     Saturday:  8am - 9pm
     Sunday:    8am - 12pm

The water from the taps on the sites are drinkable and clean - the campground assured me that it is well water and they use high quality testing to make sure the water is of high quality.

If you are in the cabins, check-out is 11am.  However, you CAN check out at the office by then, but return to the group and still hang around with the group after signing out.

One error on my part, but they JUST changed this since this weekend, so not so much an error as a "speaking too soon" blurt, but all wood must be purchased here and not brought in from elsewhere.  The bundles of wood were $5, but are now $6!  I had just answered this question earlier, then went to the office later - I saw the sign and thought, "Crap."  They are decent bundles for the price, but still...  Also, ice is $1.90 a bag on-site.  I didn't know the previous price, but I was informed that went up slightly.  **Cough, cough, wood across the street is $4, but smaller bundles...cough, cough**  

I have a few more questions to ask later today (for those who will be waking up soon), so if you have a question, send it to me via AQ by noon, and I'll address it.  Except for tigs - I need to get in touch with you personally - I can't keep up with questions and answers from you on a keyboard.  ;)  

Literally hours away, not days.  I feel like I'm on "Chopped" and about to get just that, but am hoping to make it to the next round.  Every single one of you on our event list has made a mark on my life, and having you all in one location for a special weekend --- You have no idea how Grateful I am that you'll be with us.  And that doesn't mean just those attending the event - that means every single person that has laid even a single finger on this, our first hosted event.  I am touched, and not in the way that first came to tig's mind...


More after the next sundown....  ;)


  1. I'm really starting to get nervous now - this will be our first time camping as a family, let alone at a boxing event! I've NEVER been camping in my whole life!

    Is it true the showers are coin operated? If so, what kind of coins and how long does the shower last?

    1. Amy, No worries about your first camping experience! You are with pro's ;) and as far as boxing....there will be many pro's there for that too! This is supposed to me a stess free/RELAXING weekend (TIGS!!!) ;) See ya'll soon!
      Betty Boop3

  2. Hi Bubs, the wonders of Facebook has revealed that today is Amanda's birthday. Just and FYI;)

  3. I feel so special!

    Amy - I sent you a PM (because my phone is stupid) but let me answer the question again generally here (my guess is Bubs is sleeping ;-): in most campgrounds, showers are a quarter for 4-7 min (unless you're at Disney, where the showers are free but the site is $80/night :-O). The girls in my family do great with 2 quarters each. Mr Umbrella the speedy uses 1.

    One more day!!!!!

  4. I feel so special!

    Amy - I sent you a PM (because my phone is stupid) but let me answer the question again generally here (my guess is Bubs is sleeping ;-): in most campgrounds, showers are a quarter for 4-7 min (unless you're at Disney, where the showers are free but the site is $80/night :-O). The girls in my family do great with 2 quarters each. Mr Umbrella the speedy uses 1.

    One more day!!!!!

  5. Next year, I need to remember to bring a fireplace grate - that was a surprise....
