Remember this picture... ;) |
I've got plenty of things to mention and write about, so I figured I'd do all that writing here rather than on the AQ boards. But first let me start by saying a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who graciously carved stamps for this event and sent them to us - THEY ARE ALL IN, AND EVERYONE CAME THROUGH!! Every single stamp is a work of art and looks great, and I couldn't be happier with these sets of creativity and talent. Everyone deserves a giant pat on the back and Hip, Hip, Hurray!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Planting starts this weekend on the nearby trails (close as we can get to the event). Saturday is supposed to be somewhat rainy, but we still plan on planting a few of the smaller sets. Then we also plan on planting the NH Symbols on Sunday, which looks much nicer, weather-wise. Note that that will be the long hike planned on debuting for the event - it'll be at least 4 miles long, longer if we can stretch it. We also have, so far, 4 other smaller series to plant permanently outside of the campground, SO FAR, and 2 full series to plant at the campground temporarily (Native American Place Names & Its Storytime In NH). These will be planted permanently elsewhere after the event, but will still keep the same box # listing. And then there will be nightboxing. Other than that, no more details. For now. On purpose. ;)
Now, on to points to make note of. I'll start a list.
Local Clues: We will have a clue book for the event and for new listings. But don't forget to print out clues for boxes in the area that you'd like to search for on your own. The NH Symbols series will be planted in the same trail network as the Strawberry Shortcake series and the Super Scary series. Note that these will each take a while to complete!! And while they won't follow all the same trails, they will overlap and criss-cross a little. I WILL have the NH Symbols clues in the clue book, but not the other two, so if you plan on tracking those, print the clues or plan on using your apps, along with any other local clues you would like to find that won't be attached to the event.
Reservations: If you haven't reserved a site yet, now is the time to do so!!! Click on the Wakeda page at the top of our blog, click the Wakeda website link, and make your reservation - they'd like to have us registered by mid-May, so that leaves about a week. Once you register, please let me know either through AQ or leaving a comment on the Wakeda page here as to which site you've reserved and I'll add you to the list.
Site Sharing: If you'd be willing to share your site with someone else, please let me know, and if you are looking for a site to be shared, let me know. I've already had one request to share a site with someone already reserved, so if you're willing/need to share, I'll do my best to pair up people. Perhaps I'll make a list for those willing/needing this if need be.
PT's and Poster for Wakeda: Just to clarify what we're looking for as far as the pt's are concerned, we'd like you to make a totem pt so that we can create a totem pole of our own, preferrably a totem of your sig stamp, but if that's not easily done, something that will fit with the totem pole. We plan on stamping and framing a posterboard for Wakeda as a thank you, and the plan is this: the totem pole that we make will be stamped in the middle of the poster, creating the pole. ALSO, on the outside of the totem area, we'd stamp out sig stamps as well. That way, if you don't get a chance to make a pt, the campground will still know you were there! ;) The recommended requirements are that, from top to bottom the pt measure 1 inch, and the width be no more than 3 inches (think an eagle totem with wings). This allows them to be stacked together.
Extra Activities: Like I've said from the beginning, we're planning boxin' and relaxin', and that's the extent of our goals. HOWEVER, if any of you would like to plan something on your own, such as an LTC swap, game time, class, whatever - feel free to do so with our blessing. Start a tracker if you'd like, hold a mini-meet - completely up to you, but run by you as well. ;)
Extra Boxes: For those that have them and would like to bring them, feel free to bring any boxes that you would like to bring - event boxes, WOM's, HIPS, PT's, HHH's - any and all are welcome. After all, boxin' is half of the event, but any box is game, so bring whatever you'd like. Or don't. It's all good and there will be plenty for sure. ;)
Campground Rules: If you haven't seen them yet, here's the link to their RULES. I believe they are also listed at the office.
Medical: Just as an FYI, BB3 is a registered nurse and will have a first aid kit on hand in case of something minor, but please keep in mind that this is for informational purposes only and she won't be acting as an active nurse for the event. But Exeter Hospital is only a few miles away and easy to get to incase any serious accidents arise.
Food: We are planning some food for the event, and also have the potluck list up. I'll post the details soon, as well as a list of specific items we'll need. We have plans for Friday night, Saturday night, and some continental-style things for breakfast on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. But feel free to plan your own meals and food as well. More details very soon.
Other than these things at this moment, here are a few more minor things to keep in mind:
Pray and hope for nice weather for the event, but make sure you plan for rain just incase.
While I'm hoping we are ahead of any major bug activity for the season, don't forget your bug spray, especially thinking of ticks while out on the trails.
While there are two series planned for the event, keep in mind that the campground's main road is 1 mile from office to end, let alone all their side roads. They have some walking path maps that I will have at the event, and their largest path is about 3 miles, so even if you don't plan on searching for outside local boxes, plan on some walking! ;)
I'll also have the campground's full color campsite map included with the clue book, so there won't be any need to grap a map at the office when you arrive.
And beware of me in the morning - I'm known to be a grumpy grinch (no relation) when I first wake up. But I'll try my best during the event. ;)
Thanks all - more to come!
Can't wait. getting packed now.